Source code for viewclust.slurm.mem_info

import subprocess
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

[docs]def mem_info(d_from, account, fig_out='', debugging=False): """Script for profiling the memory usage of an account via sacct. DEPRECATION WARNING. Always outputs various statistical measures to stdout, but can also plot information. Parameters ------- d_from: date str Beginning of the query period, e.g. '2019-04-01T00:00:00'. account: str Account to query via sacct, e.g. 'def-tk11br_cpu' fig_out: str, optional Writes the generated figure to file as the given name. If empty, skips writing. Defaults to empty. debugging: boolean, optional Boolean for reporting progress to stdout. Default False. """ base_cmd = ['sacct', '-a', '-A', account, '-S', d_from, '-p', '--delimiter', '"|"', '-n', '--units=M', '-o', 'jobid,submit,start,state,ncpus,nnodes,reqmem,maxrss'] data = subprocess.check_output(base_cmd).decode('UTF-8') if debugging: print('Query complete') mem_frame = pd.DataFrame([x.split('"|"') for x in data.split('\n')]) mem_frame = mem_frame.iloc[:, :-1] # Due to split implementation... mem_frame = mem_frame.iloc[:-1, :] # Due to split implementation... if debugging: print('Frame built') # Edge case before things start to happen... if mem_frame.empty: print('No job records found.') return mem_frame.columns = ['name', 'submit', 'start', 'state', 'reqcpus', 'nnodes', 'reqmem', 'maxrss'] mem_frame = mem_frame['batch', na=False)] mem_frame = mem_frame[mem_frame.maxrss.str.contains('M', na=False)] mem_frame.update(mem_frame.maxrss.loc[lambda x: x.str.contains('M')] .str.replace('M', '')) mem_frame['maxrss'] = pd.to_numeric(mem_frame['maxrss']) mem_frame['nnodes'] = pd.to_numeric(mem_frame['nnodes']) mem_frame['reqcpus'] = pd.to_numeric(mem_frame['reqcpus']) # Construct alloc_mem column mem_frame['memHold'] = mem_frame['reqmem'].map( lambda x: int(x.lstrip('+-').rstrip('MmNnCc'))) core_mask = (mem_frame['reqmem'].str.contains('c')) node_mask = (mem_frame['reqmem'].str.contains('n')) mem_frame.loc[core_mask, 'memHold'] = ( mem_frame['reqcpus'] * mem_frame['memHold']) mem_frame.loc[node_mask, 'memHold'] = ( mem_frame['nnodes'] * mem_frame['memHold']) mem_frame = mem_frame.rename(columns={'memHold': 'alloc_mem'}) mem_frame['submit'] = pd.to_datetime(mem_frame['submit']) if debugging: print('Done column building') if fig_out != '': x_points = [] y_points = [] for _, row in mem_frame.iterrows(): c_x_points = [row['submit'], row['start'], None] x_points = x_points + c_x_points c_y_points = [row['alloc_mem']/1000, row['maxrss']/1000, None] y_points = y_points + c_y_points fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter( x=x_points, y=y_points, mode='lines', line_color='rgba(180,180,180, .1)', name='target')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=mem_frame['submit'], y=mem_frame['alloc_mem']/1000, mode='markers', line_color='rgba(220,60,60, .4)', name='alloc mem', hovertext=mem_frame['name'])) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=mem_frame['start'], y=mem_frame['maxrss']/1000, mode='markers', line_color='rgba(60,180,60, .4)', name='maxrss', hovertext=mem_frame['name'])) fig.update_layout( title=go.layout.Title( text="Job memory: ", xref="paper", x=0 ), xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( title=go.layout.xaxis.Title( text="Date Time", font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( title=go.layout.yaxis.Title( text='Memory in GB', font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ) ) fig.write_html(fig_out) return fig