Source code for viewclust.insta_plot

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import sys

[docs]def insta_plot(clust_info, cores_queued, cores_running, resample_str='', fig_out='', y_label='Usage', fig_title='', query_bounds=True, running=[], queued=[], submit_run=[], submit_req=[], user_run=[]): """Instantaneous usage plot. This function is deprecated as of v0.3.0. Support continues in the ViewClust-Vis package. Parameters ------- clust_info: DataFrame Frame which represents the cluster state at given time intervals. See job_use. cores_queued: array_like of DataFrame Series displaying queued resources at a particular time. See job_use. cores_running: array_like of DataFrame Series displaying running resources at a particular time. See job_use. resample_str: pandas freq str, optional Defaults to empty, meaning no resampling. Passing this parameter does not do sanity checking and will only run the below code example. cores_queued = cores_queued.resample('1D').sum() fig_out: str, optional Writes the generated figure to file as the given name. If empty, skips writing. Defaults to empty. y_label: str, optional Makes the passed string the y-axis label. fig_title: str, optional Appends the given string to the title. query_bounds: bool, optional Draws red lines on the figure to represent where query is valid. Defaults to true. running: DataFrame, optional Draws a green line representing the usage of jobs currently in RUNNING state if they run for the requested duration. queued: DataFrame, optional Draws a gray line representing the usage of jobs currently in PENDING state if they were to start at query time and run for their requested duration. submit_run: DataFrame, optional Draws a red line representing what would usage have looked like if jobs had started instantly and ran for their elapsed duration. Allows for easier interpretation of the queued series. Defaults to not plotting. submit_req: DataFrame, optional Draws an orange line representing what usage would have looked like if jobs had started instantly and ran for their requested duration. Allows for easier interpretation of the queued series. Defaults to not plotting. See Also ------- jobUse: Generates the input frames for this function. """ print('This function is deprecated as of v0.3.0.', file=sys.stderr) print('Support continues in the ViewClust-Vis package.', file=sys.stderr) # Temp vars so that we aren't touching anything by ref clust_info_tmp = clust_info.copy() cores_queued_tmp = cores_queued.copy() cores_running_tmp = cores_running.copy() if resample_str != '': clust_info_tmp = clust_info_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() cores_queued_tmp = cores_queued_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() cores_running_tmp = cores_running_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=clust_info_tmp.index, y=clust_info_tmp, fill='tozeroy', mode='none', name='Allocation', fillcolor='rgba(180, 180, 180, .3)')) if len(user_run) > 0: for user in user_run: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=user_run.index, y=user_run[user], line=dict(width=0), hoverinfo='x+y', opacity=.1, mode='none', name=user, stackgroup='use' # define stack group )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cores_queued_tmp.index, y=cores_queued_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources queued', marker_color='rgba(160,160,220, .8)')) if len(running) > 0: running_tmp = running.copy() if resample_str != '': running_tmp = running_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=running_tmp.index, y=running_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources running', marker_color='rgba(80,240,80, .8)')) if len(queued) > 0: queued_tmp = queued.copy() if resample_str != '': queued_tmp = queued_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=queued_tmp.index, y=queued_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources queued', marker_color='rgba(80,80,80, .8)')) if len(submit_run) > 0: submit_run_tmp = submit_run.copy() if resample_str != '': submit_run_tmp = submit_run_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=submit_run_tmp.index, y=submit_run_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources run at submit (elapsed)', marker_color='rgba(220,80,80, .8)')) if len(submit_req) > 0: submit_req_tmp = submit_req.copy() if resample_str != '': submit_req_tmp = submit_req_tmp.resample(resample_str).sum() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=submit_req_tmp.index, y=submit_req_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources run at submit (timelimit)', marker_color='rgba(220,160,00, .8)')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cores_running_tmp.index, y=cores_running_tmp, mode='lines', name='Resources running', marker_color='rgba(80,80,220, .8)')) if query_bounds: max_y = max(cores_running.max(), cores_queued.max()) min_x = clust_info.index.min() max_x = clust_info.index.max() fig.add_shape(dict(type="line", x0=min_x, y0=0, x1=min_x, y1=max_y, line=dict(color="Red", width=2))) fig.add_shape(dict(type="line", x0=max_x, y0=0, x1=max_x, y1=max_y, line=dict(color="Red", width=2))) fig.update_layout( title=go.layout.Title( text="Resource usage: " + fig_title, xref="paper", x=0 ), xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( title=go.layout.xaxis.Title( text="Date Time", font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( title=go.layout.yaxis.Title( text=y_label, font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ) ) if fig_out != '': fig.write_html(fig_out) return fig