Source code for viewclust.cumu_plot

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import sys

[docs]def cumu_plot(clust_info, cores_queued, cores_running, resample_str='', fig_out='', query_bounds=True, submit_run=[], user_run=[], plot_queued=False): """Cumulative usage plot. This function is deprecated as of v0.3.0. Support continues in the ViewClust-Vis package. Parameters ------- clust_info: DataFrame Frame which represents the cluster state at given time intervals. See jobUse. cores_queued: array_like of DataFrame Series displaying queued resources at a particular time. See jobUse. cores_running: array_like of DataFrame Series displaying running resources at a particular time. See jobUse. resample_str: pandas freq str, optional Defaults to empty, meaning no resampling. Passing this parameter does not do sanity checking and will only run the below code example. cores_queued = cores_queued.resample('1D').sum() fig_out: str, optional Writes the generated figure to file as the given name. If empty, skips writing. Defaults to empty. query_bounds: bool, optional Draws red lines on the figure to represent where query is valid. Defaults to true. submit_run: DataFrame, optional Draws a red line representing what would usage have looked like if jobs had started instantly. Allows for easier interpretation of the queued series. Defaults to not plotting. plot_queued: bool, optional Draw the light blue line indicating the cumulative queued resources. See Also ------- jobUse: Generates the input frames for this function. """ print('This function is deprecated as of v0.3.0.', file=sys.stderr) print('Support continues in the ViewClust-Vis package.', file=sys.stderr) # Avoid recalculations via these: clust_sum = np.cumsum(clust_info).divide(len(clust_info)) run_sum = np.cumsum(cores_running).divide(len(clust_info)) queue_sum = np.cumsum(cores_queued).divide(len(clust_info)) if resample_str != '': clust_sum = clust_sum.resample(resample_str).sum() run_sum = run_sum.resample(resample_str).sum() queue_sum = queue_sum.resample(resample_str).sum() fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=clust_info.index, y=clust_sum, fill='tozeroy', mode='none', name='group allocation', fillcolor='rgba(180, 180, 180, .3)')) if len(user_run) > 0: for user in user_run: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=user_run.index, y=np.cumsum(user_run[user]).divide(len(clust_info)), hoverinfo='x+y', opacity=.1, mode='none', name=user, stackgroup='use' # define stack group )) if plot_queued: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cores_queued.index, y=queue_sum, mode='lines', name='Resources queued', marker_color='rgba(160,160,220, .8)')) if len(submit_run) > 0: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=submit_run.index, y=np.cumsum(submit_run).divide( len(clust_info)), mode='lines', name='Resources run at submit', marker_color='rgba(220,160,160, .8)')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cores_running.index, y=run_sum, mode='lines', name='Resources consumed', marker_color='rgba(80,80,220, .8)')) if query_bounds: max_y = max(clust_sum.max(), run_sum.max(), queue_sum.max()) min_x = clust_info.index.min() max_x = clust_info.index.max() fig.add_shape(dict(type="line", x0=min_x, y0=0, x1=min_x, y1=max_y, line=dict(color="Red", width=2))) fig.add_shape(dict(type="line", x0=max_x, y0=0, x1=max_x, y1=max_y, line=dict(color="Red", width=2))) fig.update_layout( title=go.layout.Title( text="Cumulative resource usage: ", xref="paper", x=0 ), xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( title=go.layout.xaxis.Title( text="Date Time", font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ), yaxis=go.layout.YAxis( title=go.layout.yaxis.Title( text="Core equivalent in time period", font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f" ) ) ) ) if fig_out != '': fig.write_html(fig_out) return fig